
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Pair Affair Podcast-Happiness #happiness #positive

The Pair Affair Podcast-#adversity #stress #plan #dealing

The Pair Affair Podcast The Little Seed

The Pair Affair Podcast #gratitude

The Pair Affair Podcast Trust

Are you chasing the wrong things in your life. The Pair Affair Podcast

Are you wasting your talents? The Pair Affair Podcast

Podcast-How much water does water weigh?

Got Friends? Podcast The Pair Affair

What farmer are you? Podcast

How do you use your problems to solve your problems?

Are you too greedy? Podcast

Are damaged good still valuable to you?

Don’t Insult The Things The Wish You Could Have..

Why do waste so much time complaining? Podcast

Podcast-The Bicycle Ride.

Podcast-Varsity Blue Scandal

Podcast-The Elephant Rope-Belief

Thinking creative

The Obstacle In Our Path-Podcast

The Butterfly (Struggles)

Podcast Control Your Temper

Podcast-The blind girl. (Change)

Puppies For Sale-Understanding Podcast