Fishing is the key to my success.

"You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give."

I love this quote. It is really the story of my life. I am really capable of a lot of things. Well, it is rather nice outside today. It is always nice when you get a chance to fish on a wonderful lake. I had a nice day on the lake. I caught three little bass. They weren’t 15 inches so I had to let them go. I love to fish a lot because it teaches me a lot of things. It teaches me to deal with nature, patience, and a challenge. I love being outside because you have so many wonderful sites with nature. The birds are feeding off the little feeder fish in the water. As, I watch them circle the area. I am really amazed that they are really patience looking for certain fish to eat. They have this one bird who will sit by me on the shore. It is waiting for me to feed him a spare fish. He will sit there for a lot of different hours waiting for me. He will sit very still and he is always looking for something to watch. Nature can really teach you a lot of wonderful things if you pay attention to the animals around you. You need to stay really patience when you are fishing. You cannot expect things to happen really fast when you are fishing. I am really working hard to stay patience with myself. I am getting a lot better when I am on the golf course. You need to wait until the right time so you will stay ready for the next big fish. It is just like the golf course. You need to stay ready because you can make a bird at anytime but you cannot force birdies on the golf course. Only certain players are able to do this magic. Nice going today Tiger. Tiger Woods makes things look so easy but he puts in a lot of hard work in his game. He is constantly working on his game. He is never satisfied with himself. The last thing, I love going fishing; it gives me a great challenge. You are trying to get a nice fish to hit your bait of choice. You get everything altogether so you have the best opportunity to catch a fish. You will spend a great amount of time to prepare yourself for the wonderful day on the lake. Preparation is another key to success when you are fishing. My friend told me a little quote. Poor preparation will lead to a poor performance. I will see you on the PGA Tour.


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