Punxsutawney Phil

I can remember this holiday really well when I was living in the east. Then, we move to California. We never worry about the winter months here. It was a lot of fun to see if we had six more weeks of winter. I was really mad when the ground hog saw his shadow. This a fun day for everyone.

The groundhog called Phil emerged from his burrow this morning in central Pennsylvania and saw his shadow, which according to legend signals there will be six more weeks of winter in the U.S.

Phil's handlers removed him from his stump-shaped shelter on a stage in Punxsutawney at 7:27 a.m. local time. They then said Phil saw his shadow. The forecast elicited some boos from the crowd gathered to await the 122nd annual weather prediction.

Punxsutawney Phil and his predecessors have seen their shadows 97 times, or about 80 percent of the time, since 1887, according to the Groundhog Club, which conducts the annual event atop Gobbler's Knob. Only 15 times has the Punxsutawney groundhog not seen his shadow, including last year, while another nine results weren't recorded, the club said.

If he sees his shadow, there'll be six more weeks of winter weather, and if he doesn't, there will be an early spring, according to superstition.

Thanks again, see you down the road.


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