
It is a new day. I am expecting good things to happen to me today. I am really excited about my future. I am making a lot of progress with my golf game. The time and effort on my goals are really starting to pay off. I have so much to work to get a lot better in the upcoming year. I am still encouraging myself to get myself into a better situation with my life. I looking forward to all the wonderful ups and downs with my goal. When, you are chasing a goal so far off. You will hear a few negative voices in your mind but you need to block out these negative thoughts with positive thoughts in your mind. When, you are hearing your vocie seeing that you will not make it on the tour. I have an answer for the negative thought. Why not? I have nothing to lose at all. I am talented and I have played my best yet. Negative thoughts will come and go but you don't need to attach any thought to them. Just let those negative thoughts go through your head. Have a wonderful day and I will see you on the PGA Tour.


Lady Batya said…
Thanks for your comment on my recipe blog.
You have a great website !!!

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