Staying Humble

It is not failure itself that holds you back;it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you. Brian Tracy

I love this quote a lot. You can really learn a lot from failure. When things get rough in your life. You will need to keep faith alive. You aren't always going to get your way in life. You will need to deal with the ups and downs about life. You will need to walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes, you will need to go back before you are going to achieve your goals. You will need to eat some humble pie at times. This slice of humble pie will do two things to you. It will either make you dig deep to accomplish a bigger goal or you will fall by the waste side. The weak person will fall by the waste side. I want you to keep chasing that neon rainbow and chasing the stars in life. I will see you down the road. Have a great day.


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