Palm Trees

“Tough times are there so you can have a good time later on and really appreciate it!”

We had a huge wind storm here in southern California during the weekend. I went outside to look at all the wind blown items around my house. I noticed that everything was in pretty good shape except a few plants. These plants were looking really good too. The harshness of the wind had made the plants uproot themselves from the ground. I had noticed that my palm tree was still standing very tall and it wasn't affected by the wind storm at all. I am going to start behave in this manner. The palm trees are moving back in forth by the wind but they never seem to care about the wind power at all. They are standing still during the most trouble times in their lives.

We can always learn from other objects when we are going through a tough time in life. We must stay on the correct path and always stand still during the tough times in life. It is really easy to give up on yourself. I am going to keep fighting through these tough times because I know that it will eventually turn things in my favor. Stand tall like a Palm tree.


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