Sony Bravia Installation

Well, I finally had a chance to get a flat screen TV. I have recently bought a LCD Sony Bravia. The LCD Sony Bravia TV was on sell on EBAY from this company called Open Box. I had to go to this place in Vernon, Ca to pick up the TV. The guys from Open Box were very helpful with getting and loading the TV in my truck. I was a little worried about the TV because I was getting it off EBAY. I had a company called Interstar to install the flat screen TV for me. I called this company on Monday and they set an appointment to install the TV on Wednesday. The installation of the flat screen TV over the fireplace took around 2 1/2 hours to install. I was very happy with the outcome of the installation. I have to remember that you will get what you are paying for in life. I would highly recommend these two companies to anyone who are getting a new flat screen installed in their living room. I would not let the price of the quote scare you off either. You are going to pay for what you get in life. Roll Tide Roll!


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