Making scrambled eggs

 Making eggs in the microwave is a quick and convenient method for preparing a delicious breakfast. Here is a simple guide for making scrambled eggs in the microwave:

1. Crack two eggs into a microwave-safe bowl. Add a splash of milk, a pinch of salt, and any desired seasonings (such as black pepper or herbs).

2. Use a whisk or fork to beat the eggs until they are well-mixed and the yolks are fully incorporated.

3. Place the bowl in the microwave and cover it with a microwave-safe plate or microwave-safe plastic wrap. This helps to prevent any splatters or spills.

4. Microwave the eggs on high power for 30 seconds. Carefully remove the bowl and gently stir the eggs with a fork. This helps to distribute the heat and prevent any hotspots.

5. Return the eggs to the microwave and continue to cook them in 30-second intervals, stirring after each interval. Repeat this process until the eggs are fully cooked to your desired consistency. It usually takes 1 to 2 minutes in total, depending on your microwave's strength and the desired doneness.

6. Take caution when handling the bowl, as it may be hot. Use oven mitts or a towel to protect your hands when removing it from the microwave.

7. Once the eggs are cooked, you can garnish them with grated cheese, chopped herbs, or any other toppings you like. Give them a final stir to incorporate the toppings evenly.

8. Allow the eggs to cool slightly before serving. They can be enjoyed on their own or as a filling for sandwiches, wraps, or breakfast burritos.

Note: Cooking times may vary depending on the wattage of your microwave, so it's important to keep a close eye on the eggs and adjust the cooking time accordingly. It's also recommended to use a microwave-safe bowl to ensure safe and efficient cooking.


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